50th Sat Wrap up -Stuart Rugg

Pacific Grove High School Class of 74 

Our GOLDEN 50th Reunion Recap

By Stuart Rugg


My 50th Reunion started during the summer with a text from the Tom Shymanski, “Hey dude, are you coming to the reunion?” That of course inspired an in-depth jam session on the phone. A conversation that made our last reunion seem like just the other day. I love our reunions because the bonds of friendship and shared experiences in high school have kept us connected for the past 5 decades, even if for most of us, it means only seeing each other a day or two every 5 years. 

What an EPIC reunion. Full of hugs, smiles, laughter, new insights, shared memories, past and new experiences, and of course, our future goals and dreams. A few months ago, I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Now I’m the same age as old people.” I had to smile because I’m sure we thought our parents were old when they were 68 – well, now it’s our turn. Having seen the pictures from Friday night’s icebreaker, however, and seeing all of you in person Saturday, I can easily say I didn’t see any old people. What I did see was a group of classmates full of energy, enthusiasm, and excited to see each other. If we keep learning, exploring life’s wonders, keeping great friendships, letting people we love know we love them, we will all stay far younger than our chronological age. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it because we all know the right attitude helps keep us young, and besides, I want to see all of you in 5 years. So, as I tell my students, “Stay Fired Up.” 

When I arrived Saturday, the first classmate I saw was Sandi Dix Eason. She flashed a warm smile, gave me a big hug, and the adventure was on. I then joined Sandi, Teri Kier, Cheri Fisher, Valerie Fisher, and Peggy Light who were already at Point Pinos getting the bar & grill ready for everyone’s arrival. We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful evening – sunny, crisp, clear, with Santa Cruz etched out against the sky and ocean to the north, views of the ocean through the majesticcypress trees, and the lush green of the Point Pinos Golf Course. Perfect setting and weather. As everyone started to pour in, the hellos and hugs opened the door to a glorious evening, and glorious it was.

For many of you, the celebrations started off with Friday’s Icebreaker at Mark’s beautiful house overlooking the ocean not far from Point Pinos. Although many of us couldn’t join in, just looking through the pictures you clearly see a group of friends that love hanging out together. A warm and grateful thank you to Mark Elstob and his wife Erin, for hosting everyone who could make it, not only on Friday night, but also a happy hour before and after the reunion on Saturday. Having read our 40th reunion recap by Richard Sell and our 45th by Dennis Sones, I have got to get my act together and join you all for the icebreaker at our 55th. So again, thank you Mark for carrying on that wonderful tradition.

One of the first orders of business on Saturday was to have photos taken of the whole PGHS team, followed by smaller group photos based on which elementary school we attended. Teri was that your great idea? – whoever thought of it, thank you, they will be gifts to see on our website. Then of course, there was the delicious food buffet, a bar for anyone who wanted to a drink, and of course, the main reason for being there – to reconnect with classmates and share parts of our life journey.We touched on experiences such as our careers, marriage, and for many their kids and even grand kids, fun and crazy times in high school, and what we may be hoping for moving forward.Even in brief conversations, what we often shared had the power to draw us closer together. Some of you have overcome serious health challenges and some are still coming through them, but your light and enthusiasm shone bright.

In addition to hugs, handshakes, and brief hellos exchanged with many of you, it was great to share brief conversations withLaurie Dill, Dena Rockwell, Dennis Sones, Don Baker, Jane Wilson, J.R. Luster, Susie Southard, Kirsten Clarke, and Alma Rivas and even longer conversations with Julie Wambold, Steve Whitney, Frank Consiglio, Tom Shymanski, Richard Sell and Charles Clarke. You all helped make the evening extra special. Thank you.

Thank you, Teri, for being the driving force to pull these reunions together, for always being positive, and always making sure everything goes smoothly. An additional thank you to Sandi, Cheri, Valerie, Peggy, Mary Grisin, Sylvia Hernandez, Doree Hyland, Rick Rodewald and anyone else who worked hard to make this reunion special. One tradition that always brings smiles and applause is when Teri takes the microphone and announces fun facts about our classmates such as who hasattended every reunion and who has traveled the farthest. WhenTeri announced the following 7 first timers: Dawn Dickinson, Ralph Hall, Chelly Kirkman, Mark McCulley, Stephanie Rumrill, Pat Williams & Dennis Woolem, the tone and timing of her follow up line was priceless, “What the heck have you been doing for the past 50 years?” Priceless because it reflected what a lot of us were probably thinking, and at the same time, reflected our happiness that all of you could join in the celebration.

As I drove back to LA early Sunday morning, I thought of all the hugs, hellos, conversations, emotions, smiles, renewed connections, and how some connections have seemed to grow stronger with time. I enjoyed thinking of the incredible blessing we all share for maintaining such a strong bond based on our shared 4-year journey that started 54 years ago as we entered PGHS. 

Thank you all for another exciting and memorable reunion.

In true form, Tom not only opened my reunion, but also wrapped in up with another text as I was driving home, “See you next time dude.” 

Yes, you will, and I hope to see all of you again for our 55th.